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International Maritime Organisation (IMO) / Council: Secretary General

Dear all,

I am Ananias Kapourkatsidis, undergraduate student of Aristotle University’s Department of Political Sciences, and I will be serving as the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation in the Thessaloniki International Student Model United Nations 2017. ThessISMUN will be the 8th conference I have attended during my years in university and certainly the most challenging and interesting one. 

Apart from the various chances provided to me by MUNs to study and research on matters concerning the international political scene and acquire the knowledge of defending a country’s policy on issues of global interest, the most important, in my experience, is that these conferences give me the opportunity each year to meet with new people, possibly from all around the word, with whom I share the same love for diplomacy and politics. 

During this fourth and last year of my studies, my academic interests concern discourse analysis, political communication and the social construction of international politics. In my MUN life I had the chance to study matters related to combating piracy in the Indian Ocean, fighting terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa, global disarmament as well as many other diplomatic issues.

This year the presidents of the IMO and I are looking forward to meet, discuss and cooperate with you, so as to make the ThessISMUN 2017 a unique and extraordinary experience.

Kind Regards,

Ananias Kapourkatsidis, Secretary General of the IMO.