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International Maritime Organization

imoThe International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is the specialised UN agency, established in 1948 (entered into force in 1958) and bestowed with the responsibility of maintaining & promoting safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean oceans. In other words, the Organisation’s core objectives in are the improvement of maritime safety & security and the prevention of marine pollution. The IMO develops and maintains a regulatory framework that covers all aspects of international shipping – including ship design, construction, equipment, manning, operation and disposal – to ensure that this pivotal sector remains safe, environmentally sound, energy efficient and secure.

Currently the Organisation counts 171 Member States and three Associate States. Non-Governmental Organisations may also be granted consultative status. Most of the work of IMO, given the fact that it is a highly specialised & technical organisation, is carried out by a series of committees and subcommittees; mainly the Maritime Safety Committee,  the Marine Environment Protection Committee, the Legal Committee, the Technical Cooperation Committee and the Facilitation Committee. The highest governing body of the IMO is the Assembly. The executive brunch of the IMO is the Council.

imo2016The Council

ThessISMUN is simulating the the Council of IMO, which is the executive organ of the Organisation. The Council is elected by the Assembly every two years and it primarily supervises the work of the Organisation.

The main responsibilities of the Council are:

  • Carrying on the functions of the Assembly between its tactical sessions
  • coordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization
  • consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the Organization and submit them to the Assembly
  • receive reports and proposals of the Committees and other organs and submit them to the Assembly and Member States, with comments and recommendations as appropriate
  • appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the Assembly
  • enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of the Organization with other organizations, subject to approval by the Assembly.

THESSISMUN 2019 – IMO / Council


President: Yannis Chourmouziades 
Vice-President: Zoe Tsirakopoulou-Glinou 


1. Broadening the scope of the Ship Energy Efficiency Regulations and Related Guidelines, considering progress made in light of the GloMEEP project.
2. IMO Strategy for implementing sustainable maritime security measures in West and Central Africa.