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UN Human Rights Council (HRC)

Since its creation on 15 March 2006 by the resolution 60/251, the UN Human Rights Council constitutes an inter-governmental body which counts 47 member-states elected by the UN General Assembly. Within its mandate, the HRC withholds the responsibility to ensure and strengthen the promotion and protection of human rights on a global scale, as well as to address cases of human rights infringements and make recommendations upon them.Furthermore, the Council cooperates closely with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and with all relevant UN Special Procedures established by its predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights, such as the special rapporteurs, the special representatives, independent experts and working groups which examine and publicly report on human rights violations.It is important to note that the UNHRC deals mostly with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as with the situation in Myanmar, Guinea, North Korea, Côte d’ Ivoire, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Libya, Iran and Sri Lanka.

Its members are elected for three years, and no member may occupy a seat for over two consecutive terms whereas the seats are divided amongst the United Nations’ regional groups (13 for Africa, 13 for Asia, 6 for Eastern Europe, 8 for Latin America, and 7 for the Western European and Other Group. Although its resolutions are not legally binding, their content constitutes a considerably significant legal tool so as to interpret international human rights norms. While thinking about the committee and the work you hope to accomplish in it, keep in mind one final point. All issues concerning human rights law are of great national concern to all nations. As delegates in this MUN simulation of UNHRC, you will also attempt to emulate the great traditions and relive the sixty years of debate, diplomacy and discussion, which accompany the UN organs!

THESSISMUN 2019 – UN Human Rights Council


President: Danai Georgiadou
Vice-president: Iraklis Aravidis
UN High Commissioner For Human Rights: Maria-Anna Bountidou


1. The evaluation and prevention of potential human rights violations due to the rapid technological development.

2. The situation of human rights in Venezuela.