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UN Secretary General: Evangelia Dedousi

Esteemed all,

My name is Evangelia Dedousi and it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Thes-sISMUN 2018, in which I have the honour to serve as the Secretary-General.

I am 22 years old, born and raised in Thessaloniki and by the time of the conference I will be running my last year of studies in the faculty of International and European Studies at the University of Macedonia.

My experience in simulations of international and regional organisations began 9 years ago, when I was a high school student and participated for the first time as a delegate. Since then, they became a part of my life by determining the choice of my studies.

I came to realise that through my participation in these conferences, I had the oppor-tunity to broaden my knowledge substantially on the pressing matters of our time and managed to develop my personality, understanding the importance of standing up for my ideas. More importantly, it is the prospect of meeting likeminded people with whom I share same dreams and goals which can result in long lasting friendships.

Dear delegates, it is my top priority to make sure that ThessISMUN 2018 will be an unforgettable experience for each and every one of you.

Best regards,
Evangelia Dedousi