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1st Committee of the GA

Chair: Stefania Zourka

Vice-Chair: Yiannis Liveris

Vice-Chair: Apostolos Symeonidis

Countering cyberattacks and establishing cyber security strategies, through international and cohesive efforts, in the AI era

Cyberwarfare can be a crucial component of the hybrid threats launched by major powers in the 21stcentury due to the rapid technological advancement. Cyber threats, firstly, are characterized by the element of surprise. Furthermore, countries often choose to use cyberwarfare instead of military power for the fact that it is less costly and doesn’t require as many resources. Cyber attacks can paralyze entire systems shutting down banks, ministries and other institutions leading to the malfunctioning of the digital
environment of a country. They can also be used to steal sensitive data interfering with governmental procedures (e.g. national elections) etc. The concept of the weaponization of information is deeply connected with cyberwarfare, as cyber actors are capable of conducting a sophisticated information war for various reasons.

Modern information technology has enhanced the role of information in conflicts coercing different actors in order for them to submit to the wishes of the attacker. Information operations are carried out by campaigns through social media or other means with the sole purpose of confusing the target and thus shaping his opinion in a way that is in line with the predetermined aims of the attacker. A factor that must be put in consideration in dealing with cyberattacks and info-wars is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI presents multiple security threats, as it can assist the relevant attackers in order for them to spot a network without protection or other vulnerabilities that humans cannot possibly detect. The current issue discussed must enable the international community to achieve further actions that will lead to a framework for quicker and more resilient responses. The war in Ukraine is a significant example of how cyber attacks and information operations pose a serious threat to a state’s (digital) sovereignty

Bibliography and References

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