Nikolaos Tripolitis
Vice-President of UN Human Rights Council
Nikolaos Tripolitis is a graduate of the Department of International, European and Area Studies, of the Panteion University of Athens. He is an experienced participant in model UN academic simulations, both virtual and in person, with the present being his debut as a board member. He is, also, the 'Best Delegate'
award winner of last year's conference, representing the UAE (Unated Arab Emirates) at the Security Council.
His academic inclination is in International Economics but he is also engaged with International Security, International Organisations and Human Rights. Fluent in English and French, Nikolaos will be staying in Brussels the following year to pursue an academic and professional career.
He believes that activities like this, prepare prospective graduates for a career in diverse environments and help them unlock all intellectual and conscious aspects of themselves. Nikolaos is honored to represent the Special Committee of the UN Human Rights Council on the 20th anniversary edition of ThessISMUN.