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Arghyrios Fatouros

Curriculum Vitae of
Emeritus Professor Arghyrios Fatouros (†)

He studied at the Faculty of Law and Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Athens (1950-1955) (diploma), and at the Columbia University School of Law inNew York (MCL, 1956; LLM, 1957; JSD, 1962). He then taught at the Faculty of Law of the University of Western Ontario (London, Canada) (Lecturer and Assistant Professor, 1960-1963) and at the Faculty of Law of Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana, United States) (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, 1964-1980). He then taught in Greece, as Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Thessaloniki (1980-1990) and Professor of International Economic Law at the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens (1990-2000.) Emeritus Professor since 2000. He has also taught at various times on a visiting basis at the Universities of Chicago, Duke, Columbia, Nice and Paris-X.

He was a member of the International Court of Arbitration, The Hague, and an alternate member of the Administrative Tribunal of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris. He was a member of the Institute of International Law. He had been a member of several commercial arbitration tribunals.

He served as Permanent Representative of Greece to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris(1982-1985), as Secretary-General, Ministry of Education (1989-1990) and as caretaker Minister of Justice (1996) and caretaker Minister of Press and Media (2000).

He was the Director of the Center of International and European Economic Law (Thessaloniki, 1986-1989) and the President of the Hellenic Culture Foundation (2000-2004). Chair of the Governing Council of the University of the Peloponnese during the early stage of its creation (2000-2001).

At various times, consultant on international investment issues to the Secretariat of the United Nations and UN agencies, in particular UNCTAD.

Member of various learned societies.


“Government Guarantees to Foreign Investors”.Columbia University Press,New York and London1962. xxvi + 411 pp.

“International Law and theThird World,” Virginia Law Review 50 (1964), 783-823

“Participation of the ‘New’ States in the International Legal Order of the Future,” in R.A.Falk and C.E.Black eds., The Future of the International Legal Order. Vol. I, Trends and Patterns,Princeton1969, 317-371.

“The Administrative Contract in Transnational Transactions: Reflections on the Uses of Comparison,” in Ius Privatum Gentium. Festschrift fur Max Rheinstein Tubingen 1969, 259-274.

“Problèmes et méthodes d’une règlementation des entreprises multinationales,” Journal du droit international (Clunet) 101 (1974) 495-521.

“International Law in the New Greek Constitution”, American Journal of International Law 70 (1976), 492-506.

International Development Law  (Thessaloniki1977) 380 pp. [in Greek]

“The World Bank’s Impact on International Law: A Case Study in the International Law of Cooperation”, in Ius et Societas: Essays in Memory of Wolfgang Friedmann New York1980, σελ. 62-95.

“On the Hegemonic Role of International Functional Organization,” German Yb Int’l L. 23 (1980) 9-36.

“The UN Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations:  Problems of Interpretation and Implementation”, in S.J. Rubin and G.C. Hufbauer eds., Emerging Standards of International Trade and Investment  (New York1983) 101-118.

(with K. Ioannou, C. Economides and C. Rozakis) Public International Law, vol. I. Sources (Athens1983), vol. II. International and Municipal Law (Athens1990), vol. III. International Actors (Athens1990), vol. IV. Jurisdictional Issues (Athens1991) [in Greek]

(with P.N.Stagos), International Economic Law (Thesaloniki 1984)  285 pp. [in Greek]

“L’ordre juridique international face à la ‘révolution’: France – 1789, Grèce – 1821″, inLa Révolutionfrançaise et l’hellénisme moderne (Centre de recherches néohelléniques, Actes du IIIe colloque d’histoire, 14-17 octobre 1987) Athènes 1989, pp. 405-418.

Ed., Transnational Corporations: The International Legal Framework, (UN Library on Transnational Corporations, vol. 20),  (London and New York 1994) 545 + viii pp.

“Introduction: Looking for an international legal framework for transnational corporations”, in A.A.Fatouros ed., Transnational Corporations: The International Legal Framework (London and New York 1994), 3-37.

(with A. Pliakos), Chapters in European Community Law vol. I, (Athens1995), vol. II (Athens1996) 129 + 95 pp. [in Greek]

(with C. Stefanou eds.) TheUruguayRound Agreements on International Trade in Goods and Services (Athens1995) 426 pp.  [in Greek]

“Towards an International Agreement on Foreign Direct Invest-ment?”, ICSID Rev. – Foreign Investment J. 10 (1995), 181-207.

“The European Union at the Dawn of the 21st Century. A Panoramic View.” in C. Stefanou, A. Fatouros and Th. Christodoulidis  (eds.), An Introduction to European Studies. Vol. I (Athens 2001) 17-24. [in Greek]. (London and New York 1994) 545 + viii pp.