Curriculum Vitae of
Emeritus Professor Constantine P. Economides (†)
I. Academic Qualifications
– Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Strasbourg (1954).
– Diploma of the Center for High European Studies of Strasbourg (1955).
– Doctor of Laws of the Faculty of Law of the University of Strasbourg (1956) and of the Athens University (1975).
– Lecturer of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law of the Athens University (1960-1967).
– Member since 1960 of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Head of that Department from 1979 to 1995.
– Honorary Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1996.
– Associated Professor of International Law at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (1986-1991), Professor since 1991 and Professor Emeritus since 2000.
– Member from 1991 to 1999 of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment.
– Member from 1990 to 2002 of the Venice Commission do Democracy through Law
– Member from 1997 to 2001 and, again, since 2003 of the International Law Commission of the United Nations.
III. Participation in bilateral negotiations
– Member, as Legal Adviser, of Greek delegations in negotiations with : Czechoslovakia (conclusion of 3 agreements, 1964) Romania (conclusion of 9 agreements, 1966), Yugoslavia (conclusion of the Arrangement concerning the transit of Yugoslav goods through the Port of Thessaloniki, 1974-1975), the USA (Status of American Forces in Greece Agreement 1975-1976), Turkey (delimitation of the continental shelf of the Aegean Sea, 1976-1979) and negotiations between Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Prime Ministers 1988), Italy (conclusion of the Agreement on the delimitation of the continental shelf of the Ionian Sea, 1977), Romania (conclusion of a Judicial Assistance Agreement and Consular Agreement, 1972), Bulgaria (conclusion of a Consular agreement, 1973 and a Judicial Assistance Agreement, 1976), Yugoslavia (conclusion of a Consular Agreement, 1973).
– Head of the Greek delegation in negotiations with Poland (1976), Hungary (1977), the Soviet Union (1978), Czechoslovakia (1980), the DDR (1982) and Tunisia (1955) for the conclusion of Consular Agreements.
– Head of the Greek Delegation in negotiations with Poland (1978), Hungary (1979), Czechoslovakia (1980), the Soviet Union (1981), Syria (1981), the DDR (1984Ú, Egypt (1986), Morocco (1988), Tunisia (1993), China (1993) for the conclusion of Judicial Assistance Agreements.
– Head of the Greek delegation in negotiations with Egypt (1986), Hungary (1987) and Morocco (1988), for the elaboration of agreements for the transfer of convicted persons.
– Head of the Greek delegation in negotiations with Germany (1992), Croatia (1993), Slovenia (1994), the Czech Republic (1994), the Russian Federation (1994), Slovakia (1995), on the Conventional Status between Greece and the above mentioned countries as a result of State succession.
– Head of the Greek Delegation in the negotiations with Bulgaria on the elaboration of an agreement concerning the use of waters of the Nestos river.
IV. Participation in International Conferences and Meetings
– Member, since 1962, of various Committees of experts of the Council of Europe; consular functions, state immunity, judicial assistance on administrative matters, territorial asylum and refugees, extension of human rights, judicial cooperation, public international law, protection of minorities.
– Representative of Greece at the 20th extraordinary session of the ICAO Assembly and at the International Conference for the safety of international civil aviation (Rome 1973).
– Chairman of the Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe for the examination of the draft of the International Law Commission on the most favoured nation clause (1979).
– Representative of Greece to the Special Committee of the Charter of the UN and the strengthening of the role of he Organization (1979-1981).
– Member of the Greek delegation at the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (1980-1981).
– Representative of Greece in the UN conferences on:
a) succession of State in respect of treaties (1978)
b) succession of States in respect of credits, debts and archives (1983)
c) law of treaties between States and International Organizations between International Organizations (1986).
– Chairman of the Committee of experts of the Council of Europe for the public international law (1982-1984).
– Representative of Greece from 1977 to 1996 as well as in 2001 and 2002 in the Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly.
– Executive Secretary of the CSCE meeting on peaceful settlement of international dispute (Athens 1984).
– Chairman of the Steering Committee for legal cooperation of the Council of Europe (1985-1986).
– Representative of Greece to the Preparatory Committee and to the Legal Committee of ICAO for the elaboration of a protocol for the protection of airports against terrorist acts (1987).
– Representative of Greece in the preparatory Commission for the Convention for the suppression of illegal acts against maritime navigation (1987).
– Member of the Greek delegation in the third meeting of the Conference on the human dimension of the CSCE (1991).
– Head of the Greek delegation in the Valletta meeting of the CSCE for the peaceful settlement of dispute (1991), the CSCE Seminar for democratic institutions 1991) and the CSCE Conference for the elaboration of a Convention on conciliation and arbitration, Geneva (1992).
– Member of the Greek delegation in the mediation procedure under the auspices of the United Nations for the settlement of the dispute concerning the name of FYROM (1994).
– Member of the Special Delegation of Council of Europe Advisers for the preparation of a conference on minorities in Slovenia within the framework of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe (1999-2000).
– Legal Adviser to the Greek delegation in the negotiations for the elaboration of the Protocol on Civil Liability and Compensation for Damage Caused by the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents on Transboundary Waters (done in Kiev on 21st of May 2003).
– Head of the Greek delegation in the negotiations for the elaboration of a UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intagible Cultural Heritage (Paris, 17 October 2003).
V. Court participation and appearances
– Member of the Greek delegation before the International Court of Justice in the case of the continental shelf of the Aegean Sea (conservatory measures, 1976) and Agent and Counsel of Greece in the same case (competence, 1978).
– Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration since 1979.
– Member, since 1991, of the CSCE mechanism of Valletta for the settlement of disputes.
– Member of the UNESCO Commission for Conventions and Recommendations (1985-1986).
– Agent of the Greek Government before the Commission and the Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe (1989-1991).
VI. Main publications
a) Books
– La Question Chypriote et le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-même (th.ron) Strasbourg, 1956
– Le Pouvoir de décision des Organisations internationales européennes, A. W. Sythoff, Leyde 1964.
– The inviolability and immunity from jurisdiction of diplomatic and consular agents (analysis of the Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1963), Athens 1975 (in Greek).
– Public International Law (A theory of sources), Collective work : K. Iannou, C. Economides, Ch. Rozakis, A. Fatouros, Athens 1988 (In Greek).
– The Legal Status of the Greek Islands of the Aegean (reply to a study by H. Pazarci), Athens 1989 (in Greek).
– Courses of public international law, Second edition, Athens, 1990 (In Greek).
– Introduction to diplomatic and consular law, Athens 1990 (In Greek).
– Questions of International Law and Greek Foreign Policy, Athens 1999.
b) Articles and essays
– Systèmes et limites de la responsabilité en droit aérien, national et international, R.H.D.L., 1959.
-Le Statut international de l’Antarctique résultant du traité du 1er décembre 1959, R.H.D.I., 1962.
– Les amendements à la Convention relative à l’Organisation maritime consultative intergouvernementale et leur introduction dans l’ordre juridique hellénique, R.H.D.I., 1968.
– Nature juridique des actes des Organisations internationales et leurs effets en droit interne, R.H.D.I., 1970.
– L’Arrangement gréco-yougoslave du 3 février 1975 relatif au transit des marchandises yougoslaves par la zone franche du port de Thessaloniki , R.H.D.I., 1975.
– La Révision de la Charte des Nations Unies (état actuel de la question), R.H.D.I., 1977.
– La prétendue obligation de démilitarisation de l’île de Lemnos, R.H.D.I., 1981.
– Nouveaux éléments concernant l’île de Lemnos; un problème totalement artificiel, R.H.D.I., 1984.
– La déclaration de Manille sur le règlement pacifique des différends internationaux, Annuaire Français de Droit International, 1982.
-The contiguous zones, today and tomorrow, the New Law of the Sea, (Ch. Rozakis, C. Stefanou ed.) North Holland, 1983.
– Main rules of the New Law of the Sea, International Law and Foreign Policy, 1985 (In Greek).
– Consular relations, Consular treaties, Consuls in the Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, Max Planck Institute Publication, under the direction of Professor Bernhardt, Volume 9, 1986.
– The Montreux Convention of 1936 for the Straits, in the Volume “Force and authority of treaties” (publication of the Hellenic Foundation of Foreign Policy and National Defence), Athens 1987 (In Greek).
– Les actes institutionnels internationaux et les sources du droit international, Annuaire Français de Droit International, 1988.
-The abolition of the State of War with Albania, International Law and Foreign Policy, 1988 (In Greek).
-Le Mont Athos et le Droit International – Institute for Balkans Studies, Thessaloniki 1993.
– The reasons for the conclusion in 1977 of two additional protocols to the international humanitarian law, in New International Humanitarian Law or Armed Conflicts (pub. St. Perrakis), Athens, 1989 (In Greek).
– Le droit de recours individuel: moyen de renforcement de la Démocratie in Démocratie et Droit de l’homme, Conseil de l’Europe, (éd. M.P. Engels), Strasbourg, 1990.
– Etat de droit et tribunaux indépendants, R.H.D.I., 1991
– Les rapports entre le droit international et le droit interne, Collection science et technique de la démocratie, Conseil de l’Europe, 1993.
– Les fondements juridiques de la politique étrangère, R.H.D.I., 1/1997.
– Les îlots d’Imia dans la mer Egée : un différend créé par la force, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, 1997/2.
– L’obligation de règlement pacifique des différentds internationaux : une norme fondamentale tenue à la l’écart, in Boutros-Boutros Ghali, Amicorum Discipulorumque Liber, Vol. I, 1998.
– La révision des dispositions de la Constitution hellénique concernant les relations internationales in Mélanges en l’honneur de Nicolas Valticos, 1999.
– L’habilitation législative : un moyen commode pour l’exécution rapide des résolutions du Conseil de Sécurité prises dans le cadre de la sécurité collective in Recueil d’Articles de conseillers juridiques d’Etats, d’Organisations internationales et de praticiens du droit international, Nations Unies 1999.
– Les effets de la succession d’Etats sur la nationalité des personnes physiques, Revue Générale de Droit International Public, 1999/3.
– La guerre de l0OTAN contre la Yougoslavie et le droit international, R.H.D.I., 2/1999.
– Aperçu des travaux de la Commission du Droit International : 1948-1998 dans la publication « Commission du Droit International cinquante ans après : bilan d’activités », Nations Unies, 2000.
– La démocratie, la politique étrangère et le droit international, R.H.D.I., 2-2002.
– Le crime international de l’Etat dans le droit de la responsabilité internationale : évolution de la question dans le cadre des travaux de la Commission du Droit International des Nations Unies, Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur D.
Spinellis, Athènes 2001.
– Le Projet définitif de la Commission du Droit International sure la responsabilité des Etats pour faits internationalement illicites, R.H.D.I., 2-2001.
VII. Seminars and Scientific associations
– Participation in a great number of Seminars dealing with questions of international law and foreign policy, in Greece and abroad.
– Member of the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Institute of Foreign and International Law and member of the Drafting Committee of the Revue hellénique de droit international (R.H.D.I.).
– Member of the Greek branch of the International Law Association.
– Member of the American Society of the International Law.
– Member of the Hellenic Committee of Private International Law.
– Honorary President of the Hellenic Association of International Law and International Relations, April 2005