It is my honour and pleasure to welcome you to this year’s ThessISMUN and, more specifically, to the Human Rights Council, in which I serve as the High Commissioner.
My name is Maria-Anna Bountidou (but most of my friends call me Anna-Maria) and I am 21 years old. I was born and raised in the northernmost point of Greece, Evros, and currently I am living in Thessaloniki where I study Political Sciences at the Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki. Last year I completed my internship at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, at the moment, I am running my internship at the Chamber of Commerce of Thessaloniki.
My interests have always been related to politics, gender equality and economic sustainability and these are some of the reasons that I started participating in conferences. I wanted to truly and deeply understand the way decision making about crucial topics of our time was being made and to figure out how actors with tremendous differences reach common ground.
To conclude, I ensure you that Danae, Hercules and I will try to be adequate enough in order to remember ThessISMUN2019 the best way possible.
Kind regards,
Anna-Maria Bountidou