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Board Members

ThessISMUN Members of the Board are responsible for the preparation of the study guides prior to the conference, as well as for ensuring delegates’ compliance with the Rules of Procedure during it.

They are also rendered in the position of assisting delegates through the procedure and guiding them on drafting the official Paper of each committee. Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact them!

UN Security Council

President: Emmanouela Andrigiannaki  
Vice-president: Αlexandros Pantelakos 

UN General Assembly – 1st Committee

Chair: Zoe Tsirakopoulou-Gklinou 
Co-chair: Ioannis Koutsoumpinas 

UN General Assembly – 2nd Committee

Chair: Ioannis Aslanidis
Co-chair: Stefania Zourka 

UN General Assembly – 3rd Committee

Chair: Marilia Adamou
Co-chair: Marialena Papavramidou 

UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Chair: Dimitris Fytsilis
Co-chair: Maria Sotiropoulou

UN International Court of Justice (ICJ)

President: Terpsithea Papanikolaou  
Vice-President: Daphne Farmaki
Advocate: Elina Bitzika

UN Human Rights Council (HRC)

President: Clio Katsimicha
Vice-President: Vagelis Vaiannis
UN High Commissioner For Human Rights: Konstantinos Gazis

UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

President: Maria Stefiadou
Vice-President: Glykeria Katsimani
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Zoe Patramani

UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

Special Rapporteur:

UNESCO / Executive Board

President: Tzortzi Moutsodemi
Athina Apostolidou
Director General: Theodoros Vasilopoulos

International Maritime Organisation (IMO) / Council

President: Christos Kaltsas
Vice-President: Fotios Sarantopoulos

NATO / North Atlantic Council (NAC)

President: Andreas Papaiosif
Vice-President: Anastasios Koumpogiannis
Secretary General: Stavros Dendrinos 

Council of Europe (CoE) / Committee of Ministers

President: Aikaterini Fragkouli 
Vice-President: Georgios Scoundrianos
Secretary General: Georgios Sklavounakis