Christos Kaltsas is 20 years old and he was born in Greece. He is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Peloponnese in the Department of Political Science and International Relations. He is primarily interested in the study of Political Science as this particular field is associated with the development of every policy-making decision that affects every aspect of our everyday lives. His aforementioned interests, however, do not necessarily reveal his intention to become a politician, on the contrary, they show his desire to be able to understand and to analyze every possible outcome and side effect that a governmental directive can have on its citizens. Other interests of his include foreign languages, the development of skills associated with organization and management as well as participating in various conferences and seminars and playing his favorite sport, tennis.
His first MUN experience started in 2018 and immediately he contracted its well-known virus that does not allow him to skip a MUN experience even if he wanted to. The first time he participated in a ThessISMUN was at its 2018 edition. Ever since it has been his pleasure to participate in this particular conference as he enjoys much of its superb organization and the large plethora of committees that feature at the conference. This year in ThessISMUN 2020 he will have the honor to serve as the President of the International Maritime Organization, a committee that he cares for deeply and he is very excited to participate again but from a different post. Last but not least he wants to encourage every student from all over Greece, regardless their Department to participate in ThessISMUN 2020 as it is the perfect chance to meet new people with many different viewpoints as well as improving several skills such as public speaking and diplomacy that so many students in our country want to pursue in their future careers.