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International Maritime Organisation (IMO) / Council: Vice-President

Fotis Sarantopoulos is 22 years old and was born and raised in Athens. He is currently studying Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and at the same time he is pursuing a minor degree in Finance at the American College of Greece. 

In ThessIS MUN 2020, he serves as the Vice President of the International Maritime Organization. As an engineering student, he expects all delegates to be well informed, not only about the theoretical but also about the technical aspects of the committee. MUNs have been a major part of his university life and he has enjoyed them all, because of the knowledge he acquired, the people he met and the skills he developed. What he has gained cannot be taught in a university class and he strongly believes that everyone should have such an experience. For this reason, he founded the MUN Club of the National Technical University of Athens and through this, he helped and guided many students. 

Fotis is looking forward to meeting you all and he will do his best, in order this year’s IMO committee to be simultaneously productive and enjoyable.