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UN Human Rights Council (HRC): President

Clio Katsimicha was born in the town of Thebes, where she lived until the age of 18, when she moved to Thessaloniki, in order to study Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Ever since her freshman year of studies, she started attending numerous Models of United Nations and Regional Organizations, both in Greece and abroad. It was through her participation in this type of conferences that she developed a fondness to Human Rights, which was added to her already existing interest in International Law and International Relations.

For her, ThessISMUN signifies the beginning and -this year- the end of her MUN journey. Therefore it is her goal and her responsibility, along with her teammates Vaggelis and Konstantinos, to offer the best academic –and most entertaining- experience through this year’s Human Rights Council, for both first-comers and “seasoned” delegates. In her own words “See you in April!”.