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Crisis Team

Crisis Coordinator: Dimitris Bachoumas

Dear participants of ThessISMUN 2019, my name is Dimitris Bachoumas, I’m a graduate of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Faculty of Law and currently I’m working as a trainee lawyer in Piraeus. My main fields of academic interest are Public International Law, International Relations and Foreign Affairs.

During the last four years, I had the opportunity to participate in many Models UN and other EU and Regional Simulations as well, both in Greece and abroad. More specifically, my MUN journey started back in 2014, and until now, I have participated in more than 15 conferences, either as a delegate or as a member of the board. As you can understand from my position in ThessISMUN 2019, I love crisis committees, as I have been a part in numerous of them.

There is no denying Models UN played a key role in my academic and personal life. Having in mind that if you want to achieve anything in life, you have to step outside your comfort zone, by participating in Models UN, I achieved exactly that. Because in such conferences you get the opportunity to constantly, challenge yourself, to engage and work with other talented and intelligent delegates, to debate on controversial topics and in the end to come up with viable and effective solutions. What is more, along the way, you improve your public speaking, your English, negotiation and lobbying skills and you make new friends.

It is with great pleasure to serve as a member of the crisis team in this edition of ThessISMUN, a conference that with its long tradition has already set the bar really high, but at the same time, has the goal of becoming better, more challenging and more intriguing each and every year. So let me just welcome each and everyone one of you, and at the same time, challenge you to apply, especially in committees involving crises, if you seek for an adventure and a truly unforgettable experience.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris Bachoumas,
Member of the Crisis Team

Crisis Coordinator: Elpida Bograkou

Dear delegates,

My name is Elpida Bograkou and I am a Graduate of Archaeology and Art History from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Currently, I am a Senior of Sociology, minoring in Communication and Advertising at Deree – The American College of Greece. I am an Endeavor Fellow Researcher of the Global Liberal Arts Alliance and an SDG Coordinator of the SDSN Youth Greece and founder of the Athens Social Sciences Forum.

I have been attending UN Simulations, fora and conferences in Greece and abroad since the age of 13 and ThessisMUN 2019 will be my 39th and last participation in such youth events. I have also attended simulations of the European Parliament and of the Hellenic Parliament. Recently, I was invited as a guest in various High Level Summits such as the Concordia Europe Summit, High Level Summit on Migration in Europe and the Middle East and I joined the United Ambassadors team in the UA-MUN in UN Headquarters in Geneva which was sponsored by the UAE Permanent Mission in UN Geneva.

This year I am welcoming you to ThessisMUN 2019 as a member of the Crisis of the Crisis Team.

I hope that this year’s session will be an exciting and memorable experience for us all!

See you soon in Thessaloniki

Crisis Coordinator: Dimitris Kollias

Dimitris Kollias, a member of this year’s crisis leading team, currently conducts his undergraduate studies at the University of Macedonia, in the department of International and European Studies. In the -not so distant- long run, he plans to enhance his academic profile with a MA in Strategic Studies (specifically naval strategy and war studies).

In a cluster of memories and a period of three joyful years, Dimitris has been regularly involved with model UN and participated in quite a few simulations, conferences and educative programs surrounding his academic field of interests. Furthermore, he completed his short traineeship as a Political and Social Analyst and took part in specific activities of NRDC-GR (the Headquarters and military base of NATO’s Rapid Deployable Corps Greece). He completed as-well his internship at the Greek Embassy in London and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (A3 Directorate for Southeastern European Countries, during the Prespa Agreement period).

Finally Dimitris believes that one has to be able to maintain a multifaceted personality. Thus he travels a lot, worked as a cook in the United-States, he declares unfailingly in love with every aspect of art and always carries a book (or two) alongside. Last but not least, he is more than excited to be part of such an amazing group of individuals and to have the opportunity to positively enrich the experiences of each and every new member of our great ThessISMUN family.